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Find out what books are currently available about Tamworth or any other subject via
These pages would not have been possible without consultation to many reference sources the following have been of great help to me

Title Author
Around Tamworth in old Photographs Richard Sulima
Tamworth and District Roy Lewis
Medieval Tamworth Henry Wood
Tamworth Borough Records Henry Wood
Tamworth Building Heritage Bernard Lowe
Borough by Prescription Henry Wood
Tamworth Tower and Town H. Chas.Mitchell
Tamworth Parish Church H. Chas.Mitchell

New April 2000 - Copies of my new book are now available

Images of England Series - Around Tamworth this book contains over 220 archive photographs of Tamworth and the surrounding villages. Most of these pictures are published here for the first time.

Click on the picture below for details of how to purchase this book anywhere in the world. Residents in the Tamworth area can email me direct at


